Japan is a country known for its cutting-edge technologies, technical products, and electronics. Businesses from around the world strive to establish a presence in the Japanese market. Whether you are an individual or a company looking to tap into the Japanese market, you can advertise on free classified websites in Japan.
Classified ads provide a cost-effective way to promote your products or services. Moreover, this form of advertising can also enhance your SEO ranking through organic exposure.
In this article, you can find a list of free classified websites in Japan.

Japanese classified websites
- Japantoday Classifieds http://classifieds.japantoday.com/
- Tokyo Notice Board http://www.tokyonoticeboard.co.jp/
- Foruma: http://furima.rakuten.co.jp
- Sayonara Sale http://www.sayonarasale.jp/
- J-Citi Classified http://www.jciti.com/ads/classified.php?lang=jp
- Gaijin Pot Classifieds – http://www.gaijinpot.com/classifieds/
- JapanUpdate.com http://japanupdate.com/classifieds/english/
- GetHiroshima classifieds http://www.gethiroshima.com/jp/Classifieds
Classified websites in Japan (English)
- Americans in Japan Classifieds: http://www.ainj.com/classifi.htm
- Craigslist Japan – craigslist.org
- E-Desho: http://www.edesho.com
- GaijinPot Classifieds – classifieds.gaijinpot.com
- Japan Classifieds – www.japanclassifieds.com
- Japan Today Classifieds – classifieds.japantoday.com
- Japan Used Cars – www.japanusedcars.com
- JapanVisitor Classifieds – classifieds.japanvisitor.com
- Japan Classifieds – japanclassifieds.com
- Japan Classifieds Network – www.japancn.com/classifieds
- Tokyo Notice Board – www.tokyonoticeboard.co.jp
- Tokyo Free Classifieds – www.tokyofreeclassifieds.com
Auction websites
- 01E.net: http://www.01e.net
- Aucfan: http://aucfan.com
- Auction: http://auction.co.jp
- Bidders: http://www.bidders.co.jp
- IAuctionet: http://iauctionet.co.jp
- Ippin Auctions: http://auctions.ippin.com
- Jauce: http://www.jauce.com
- Mercari: http://www.mercari.com/jp
- Nagoya Auto Auction: http://www.nagoyaauction.com
- Rakuten Auction: http://auctions.rakuten.co.jp
- Up Garage: http://www.upgarage.com
- Yahoo Auctions Japan: http://auctions.yahoo.co.jp
- ZenMarket: http://auction.zenmarket.jp
Advantages of Advertising in Japanese Classifieds
- Advertising in Japanese classifieds will improve the SEO of your web pages. Be sure to include all relevant information when posting an ad. To make your advertising successful, also consider following off-page SEO guidelines.
- Classified websites are designed for promoting products and services, so you can find potential customers for selling goods and services, in addition to promotion.
- Posting ads is free, making it an efficient and cost-effective advertising method.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
about Japanese Classified Websites
What are some of the best Japanese classified websites?
Some popular Japanese classified websites include Japan Today Classifieds, Tokyo Notice Board, Gaijin Pot Classifieds, and Sayonara Sale. These sites offer a wide range of categories, from jobs to services and community postings.
How can I advertise on Japanese classified websites?
To advertise on Japanese classified websites, simply choose a platform, create an account, and follow the steps for creating a listing. Make sure to include keywords and essential details to improve visibility and attract potential customers.
What are the advantages of using classified websites in Japan for advertising?
Advertising on Japanese classified websites can boost your SEO through organic exposure. Classifieds are also cost-effective, making them an excellent option for promoting products and services to a Japanese audience.
Where can I learn essential Japanese phrases for tourists?
Check out 100 Basic Japanese Phrases for Tourists for a comprehensive guide to common phrases that can help make your travel experience in Japan smoother.
Are there any English-friendly classified websites in Japan?
Yes, there are several English-friendly classified websites in Japan, such as Gaijin Pot Classifieds and Craigslist Japan, which cater to English-speaking residents and tourists.