Croatia is a beautiful country with a rich cultural heritage. Learning common Croatian phrases is not only practical but also shows respect for the local culture. For English speakers who have never spoken Croatian before, mastering these phrases might seem daunting, but with practice, you’ll find it easier than you think.
Greetings and Polite Expressions
- Bok (Bohk) – Hi / Bye
- Dobar dan (DOH-bar dahn) – Good day
- Dobro jutro (DOH-broh YOO-troh) – Good morning
- Dobra večer (DOH-brah VEH-cher) – Good evening
- Laku noć (LAH-koo noch) – Good night
- Hvala (HVAH-lah) – Thank you
- Molim (MOH-leem) – Please / You’re welcome
- Izvolite (EEZ-voh-lee-teh) – Here you go
- Oprostite (oh-PROHS-tee-teh) – Excuse me / I’m sorry
- Da (dah) – Yes
- Ne (neh) – No
- Kako ste? (KAH-koh steh) – How are you?
- Dobro sam (DOH-broh sahm) – I’m fine
- Drago mi je (DRAH-goh mee yeh) – Nice to meet you
- Gdje je…? (Gdyeh yeh) – Where is…?
- Jedan (YEH-dahn) – One
- Dva (dvah) – Two
- Tri (tree) – Three
- Četiri (CHEH-tee-ree) – Four
- Pet (peht) – Five
- Šest (shest) – Six
- Sedam (SEH-dahm) – Seven
- Osam (OH-sahm) – Eight
- Devet (DEH-veht) – Nine
- Deset (DEH-seht) – Ten
- Sto (stoh) – Hundred
- Tisuću (TEE-soo-choo) – Thousand
Food and Drink
- Voda (VOH-dah) – Water
- Kava (KAH-vah) – Coffee
- Čaj (chai) – Tea
- Pivo (PEE-voh) – Beer
- Vino (VEE-noh) – Wine
- Riba (REE-bah) – Fish
- Meso (MEH-soh) – Meat
- Kruh (krooh) – Bread
- Sir (seer) – Cheese
- Voće (VOH-cheh) – Fruit
- Povrće (POH-vr-cheh) – Vegetables
- Juha (YOO-hah) – Soup
- Desert (DEH-sehrt) – Dessert
- Račun, molim (RAH-choon, MOH-leem) – Bill, please
- Desno (DEHS-noh) – Right
- Lijevo (LYEH-voh) – Left
- Ravno (RAHV-noh) – Straight
- Ovuda (OH-voo-dah) – This way
- Tamo (TAH-moh) – There
- Ovamo (OH-vah-moh) – Here
- Gore (GOH-reh) – Up
- Dolje (DOH-lyeh) – Down
- Blizu (BLEE-zoo) – Near
- Daleko (DAH-leh-koh) – Far
- Gdje je toalet? (Gdyeh yeh toh-ah-leht) – Where is the toilet?
- Koliko je sati? (KOH-lee-koh yeh SAH-tee) – What time is it?
- Koliko košta? (KOH-lee-koh KOH-shtah) – How much does it cost?
- Skupo (SKOO-poh) – Expensive
- Jeftino (YEH-fee-noh) – Cheap
- Popust (POH-poost) – Discount
- Trgovina (tr-GOH-vee-nah) – Shop
- Tržnica (TRZH-nee-tsah) – Market
- Kupujem (KOO-poo-yehm) – I’m buying
- Prodajem (PROH-dah-yehm) – I’m selling
- Gotovina (GOH-toh-vee-nah) – Cash
- Kreditna kartica (KREH-deet-nah KAHR-tee-tsah) – Credit card
- Račun (RAH-choon) – Receipt
- Autobus (AH-oo-toh-boos) – Bus
- Vlak (vlahk) – Train
- Taxi (TAH-ksee) – Taxi
- Zračna luka (ZRAH-ch-nah LOO-kah) – Airport
- Autobusna stanica (AH-oo-toh-boos-nah STAH-nee-tsah) – Bus station
- Kolodvor (KOH-loh-dvor) – Train station
- Karta (KAHR-tah) – Ticket
- Putovnica (POO-tohv-nee-tsah) – Passport
- Prtljaga (PRT-lyah-gah) – Luggage
- Ulaz (OO-lahz) – Entrance
- Izlaz (EEZ-lahz) – Exit
- Hotel (hoh-TEHL) – Hotel
- Soba (SOH-bah) – Room
- Krevet (KREH-veht) – Bed
- Rezervacija (REH-zehr-VAH-tsyah) – Reservation
- Prijava (PREE-yah-vah) – Check-in
- Odjava (OH-dyah-vah) – Check-out
- Recepcija (reh-TSEHP-tsyah) – Reception
- Doručak (DOH-roo-chahk) – Breakfast
- Večera (VEH-cheh-rah) – Dinner
Emergency and Health
- Upomoć! (OO-poh-mohch) – Help!
- Policija (POH-lee-tsyah) – Police
- Bolnica (BOHL-nee-tsah) – Hospital
- Liječnik (LYEH-ch-neek) – Doctor
- Ljekarna (LYEH-kahr-nah) – Pharmacy
- Lijek (LYEH-k) – Medicine
- Požar (POH-zhar) – Fire
- Hitna pomoć (HEET-nah POH-mohch) – Ambulance
- Sigurnost (SEE-goor-nohst) – Safety
- Osiguranje (OH-see-goo-RAH-nyeh) – Insurance
Useful Phrases
- Govorite li engleski? (GOH-voh-ree-teh lee EHNG-lehs-kee) – Do you speak English?
- Ne razumijem (neh rah-ZOO-mee-yehm) – I don’t understand
- Možete li ponoviti? (MOH-zheh-teh lee poh-NOH-vee-tee) – Can you repeat?
- Molim vas, govorite sporije (MOH-leem vahs, GOH-voh-ree-teh SPOH-ree-yeh) – Please speak slowly
- Što je ovo? (SH-toh yeh OH-voh) – What is this?
- Hvala na pomoći (HVAH-lah nah POH-moh-chee) – Thank you for your help
Pronunciation Tips for English Speakers
- Vowels: Croatian vowels are pronounced similarly to Spanish vowels. ‘A’ is pronounced as in “car,” ‘E’ as in “bet,” ‘I’ as in “ski,” ‘O’ as in “short,” and ‘U’ as in “flute.”
- Consonants: Some consonants may be challenging. For instance, ‘Č’ is like ‘ch’ in “chocolate,” and ‘Š’ is like ‘sh’ in “ship.”
- Stress: Typically, the stress is on the first syllable of the word.
- Consistency: Croatian pronunciation is consistent, meaning once you learn how a letter is pronounced, it stays that way.
Most frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Common Croatian Phrases
Why is it important to learn common Croatian phrases before visiting Croatia?
Learning common Croatian phrases helps you communicate with locals, navigate the country more easily, and show respect for the local culture.What are some essential Croatian phrases every tourist should know?
Essential phrases include greetings like “Bok” for hi/bye, “Hvala” for thank you, and practical phrases like “Gdje je toalet?” for where is the toilet?How can I practice Croatian phrases before my trip?
Practice Croatian phrases using language learning apps, listening to Croatian music or videos, practicing with native speakers, or taking a basic Croatian language course.Is Croatian difficult to learn for English speakers?
Croatian pronunciation and grammar can be challenging, but with practice and exposure, it becomes easier to learn. Consistency in pronunciation helps in mastering the language.Are English speakers commonly found in Croatia?
Many Croatians, especially in tourist areas, speak English. However, knowing some common Croatian phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience.
Armed with these 100 common Croatian phrases, you’ll be well-prepared to navigate your trip to Croatia. These phrases cover greetings, directions, food, and emergencies, making your interactions smoother and more enjoyable. Learning and using common Croatian phrases shows respect for the local culture and can make your travel experience more rewarding. Enjoy your time in Croatia!