When dining out in Turkey, knowing some common Turkish phrases can enhance your restaurant experience. This guide provides 50 essential phrases, organized for easy learning, to help you communicate effectively while enjoying the rich culinary offerings of Turkey.
Turkish phrases are essential for truly connecting with the local culture, as they enable you to communicate with authenticity and respect. Mastering these phrases will not only help you navigate menus and order food but also allow you to interact with staff and locals, making your dining experiences more enjoyable and immersive.

Basic Restaurant Interactions
- Hello! – Merhaba! (mehr-hah-bah)
- Table for two, please. – İki kişilik masa, lütfen. (ee-kee kee-shee-leek mah-sah, lyt-fen)
- I have a reservation. – Rezervasyonum var. (reh-zehr-vah-syoh-noom vahr)
- Do you have a menu in English? – İngilizce menünüz var mı? (een-gee-leez-jeh meh-nyoo-nuhz vahr muh?)
- Can I see the menu? – Menü görebilir miyim? (meh-nyoo goh-reh-bee-leer mee-yeem?)
Ordering Food and Drinks
- I would like to order… – … sipariş vermek istiyorum. (… see-pah-reesh vehr-mehk ees-tee-yo-roo)
- What do you recommend? – Ne önerirsiniz? (neh oh-nehr-eer-sin-iz?)
- I’m a vegetarian. – Vejetaryenim. (veh-jeh-tah-ryeh-neem)
- No meat, please. – Et yok, lütfen. (eht yok, lyt-fen)
- Can I get this without spice? – Bunu baharatsız alabilir miyim? (boo-noo bah-hah-raht-suhz ah-lah-bee-leer mee-yeem?)
Drinks and Desserts
- Water, please. – Su, lütfen. (soo, lyt-fen)
- I would like a glass of wine. – Bir kadeh şarap istiyorum. (beer kah-deh shah-rahp ees-tee-yo-roo)
- Tea, please. – Çay, lütfen. (chai, lyt-fen)
- Coffee, please. – Kahve, lütfen. (kah-veh, lyt-fen)
- What desserts do you have? – Ne tatlılarınız var? (neh taht-luh-lah-ruhn-uhz vahr?)
Asking for the Bill
- Bill, please. – Hesap, lütfen. (heh-sahp, lyt-fen)
- Is service included? – Servis dahil mi? (sehr-vees dah-eel mee?)
- Can I pay by card? – Kartla ödeyebilir miyim? (kahrt-lah oh-deh-yeh-bee-leer mee-yeem?)
- Keep the change. – Üstü kalsın. (ew-stoo kahl-suhn)
- I don’t have cash. – Nakitim yok. (nah-kee-teem yok)
Compliments and Feedback
- The food is delicious! – Yemek çok lezzetli! (yeh-mehk chohk leh-zzeht-lee)
- I enjoyed my meal. – Yemekten zevk aldım. (yeh-mehk-ten zehv kah-lduhm)
- Everything is perfect. – Her şey mükemmel. (hehr shey moo-kehm-mehl)
- The service was excellent. – Hizmet harikaydı. (heez-meht hah-ree-kah-y-duh)
- I will definitely come back. – Kesinlikle tekrar geleceğim. (keh-seen-leek-leh teh-krahr ge-leh-jee-yehm)
Intolerance to Food and Food Allergy: Differences, Symptoms, and ManagementDietary Preferences
- I have a food allergy. – Gıda alerjim var. (guh-dah ah-lehr-jeem vahr)
- I cannot eat gluten. – Glüten yiyemem. (glue-tehn yee-yeh-mehm)
- Is this dish spicy? – Bu yemek acı mı? (boo yeh-mehk ah-juh muh?)
- Can I have it less spicy? – Daha az acı alabilir miyim? (dah-hah ahz ah-juh ah-lah-bee-leer mee-yeem?)
- Do you have gluten-free options? – Glutensiz seçenekleriniz var mı? (glue-ten-siz seh-neh-ck-leh-ree-niz vahr muh?)
Popular Dishes
- What is the specialty of the house? – Evin spesiyali nedir? (eh-veen speh-see-yah-lee neh-deer?)
- I would like to try kebabs. – Kebap denemek istiyorum. (keh-bahp deh-neh-mehk ees-tee-yo-roo)
- Do you have vegetarian dishes? – Vejetaryen yemekleriniz var mı? (veh-jeh-tah-ryehn yeh-mehk-leh-ree-niz vahr muh?)
- What kind of fish do you have? – Hangi balık var? (hahn-gee bah-luhk vahr?)
- Can I have a small portion? – Küçük porsiyon alabilir miyim? (kyoo-choo kpor-syoh-n ah-lah-bee-leer mee-yeem?)
Dining Environment
- Is it noisy here? – Burada gürültülü mü? (boo-rah-dah goo-rool-too-loo moo?)
- Do you have outdoor seating? – Dış mekan oturma alanınız var mı? (duhsh meh-kahn oh-too-rmah ah-lah-nuh-nuhz vahr muh?)
- What time do you close? – Kaçta kapanıyorsunuz? (kahch-tah kah-pah-nee-yor-soo-nuz?)
- Is it okay to smoke here? – Burada sigara içmek serbest mi? (boo-rah-dah see-gah-rah ee-ch-mehk sehr-behst mee?)
- Can I change my table? – Masamı değiştirebilir miyim? (mah-sah-muh deh-yeesh-tee-reh-bee-leer mee-yeem?)
Leaving the Restaurant
- Thank you for the meal! – Yemek için teşekkür ederim! (yeh-mehk ee-chin teh-shehk-kur eh-deh-reem)
- I had a great time! – Harika vakit geçirdim! (hah-ree-kah vah-kit geh-cheer-deem)
- See you next time! – Görüşürüz! (guh-roo-shee-rooz)
- Goodbye! – Hoşça kal! (hosh-chah kahl)
- I will recommend this place! – Bu yeri tavsiye edeceğim! (boo yeh-ree tahv-see-yeh ed-eh-jee-yehm)
Additional Phrases
- Do you have vegetarian appetizers? – Vejetaryen meze var mı? (veh-jeh-tah-ryehn meh-zeh vahr muh?)
- Can I get this to go? – Bunu paket yapabilir miyim? (boo-noo pah-ket yah-pah-bee-leer mee-yeem?)
- What are the ingredients? – İçindekiler neler? (ee-cheen-deh-kee-lehr neh-lehr?)
- I would like to make a complaint. – Şikayette bulunmak istiyorum. (shee-kah-yet-teh boo-loon-mahk ees-tee-yo-roo)
- Is there a dress code? – Kıyafet kuralı var mı? (kuh-yah-fet koo-rah-luh vahr muh?)
10 Most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Turkish Food
1. What are the main ingredients in Turkish cuisine?
Turkish cuisine is characterized by its diverse ingredients, including grains (like rice and bulgur), vegetables (like eggplants, tomatoes, and peppers), meats (such as lamb, beef, and chicken), legumes (like lentils and chickpeas), and a variety of herbs and spices (such as parsley, mint, cumin, and red pepper flakes).
2. What is a traditional Turkish breakfast?
A traditional Turkish breakfast, known as “kahvaltı,” typically includes a spread of items such as fresh bread, olives, tomatoes, cucumbers, feta cheese, sucuk (spicy sausage), menemen (scrambled eggs with tomatoes and peppers), honey, jam, and Turkish tea.
3. What are some popular Turkish dishes?
Some popular Turkish dishes include:
- Kebabs: Grilled meat skewers, such as döner kebab or shish kebab.
- Meze: A variety of small dishes served as appetizers, like hummus, baba ghanoush, and dolma (stuffed grape leaves).
- Pide: Turkish flatbread topped with various ingredients, often referred to as “Turkish pizza.”
- Baklava: A rich dessert made of layers of phyllo pastry, filled with nuts and sweetened with honey or syrup.
4. Is Turkish food spicy?
Turkish food is not typically spicy like some other cuisines. However, it often includes spices and herbs that add flavor. Dishes can vary in heat depending on the region and personal preference, but it’s generally milder.
5. What is the difference between döner kebab and shish kebab?
Döner kebab is made from meat that is seasoned, stacked on a vertical rotisserie, and sliced thinly. It is often served in a wrap or sandwich. Shish kebab, on the other hand, consists of marinated pieces of meat (and sometimes vegetables) that are skewered and grilled.
6. What is the significance of meze in Turkish culture?
Meze plays a crucial role in Turkish dining culture, often served as appetizers during social gatherings or special occasions. They encourage sharing and conversation, making meals more communal and enjoyable.
7. What is Turkish tea and how is it served?
Turkish tea, known as “çay,” is typically brewed strong and served in small, tulip-shaped glasses. It is often enjoyed throughout the day, and it is common for guests to be offered tea when visiting homes or cafes.
8. Are there vegetarian options in Turkish cuisine?
Yes, Turkish cuisine offers various vegetarian options, including dishes like stuffed grape leaves (dolma), lentil soup (mercimek çorbası), and various meze like roasted eggplant (babaganuş) and yogurt-based dishes.
9. What is the role of bread in Turkish meals?
Bread is a staple in Turkish cuisine and is often served with every meal. It is used to accompany dishes, scoop up food, or as a base for meals, such as in wraps or with dips.
10. Can I find Turkish food outside of Turkey?
Yes, Turkish food has gained popularity worldwide, and you can find Turkish restaurants in many countries. Popular dishes like kebabs, baklava, and meze are commonly offered, along with other traditional items that reflect the rich culinary heritage of Turkey.
Tourist Experiences with Turkish Foods
1. Culinary Tours
Tourists can embark on culinary tours that guide them through local markets, street food stalls, and traditional restaurants. These tours often include tastings of regional specialties, such as gözleme (stuffed flatbread) and simit (sesame-crusted bread), providing an immersive experience of Turkish gastronomy.
2. Cooking Classes
Turkish phrases can also enhance your experience when participating in cooking classes, helping you engage more deeply with instructors and locals. Many tourists opt for cooking classes where they learn to prepare traditional Turkish dishes. These classes often include a visit to the market to select fresh ingredients, followed by hands-on cooking sessions. Popular dishes taught may include meze, kebabs, or desserts like baklava.3. Food Festivals
Food festivals celebrating Turkish cuisine are held throughout the year, featuring a variety of local dishes and beverages. Tourists can enjoy live cooking demonstrations, tastings, and cultural performances, allowing them to experience the vibrant food culture firsthand.
4. Street Food Sampling
Exploring Turkish street food is a must for tourists. Popular street food options include döner kebab, lahmacun (Turkish pizza), and midye dolma (stuffed mussels). Walking through bustling neighborhoods allows tourists to savor these quick bites while enjoying the lively atmosphere.
5. Tea and Coffee Experiences
Tourists can indulge in traditional Turkish tea and coffee experiences. Visiting a local tea house or café to enjoy çay (Turkish tea) or Türk kahvesi (Turkish coffee) is a cultural ritual that many travelers cherish. The preparation and presentation of these beverages are often part of the experience.
6. Dining in Local Homes
Some tourists participate in “dine with locals” programs, where they are invited into the homes of Turkish families for a meal. This intimate setting allows travelers to enjoy authentic homemade dishes and learn about the significance of food in Turkish culture directly from the hosts.
7. Food and Wine Pairing Experiences
In regions known for wine production, such as Cappadocia or the Aegean coast, tourists can enjoy food and wine pairing experiences. Local wines are paired with traditional dishes, allowing travelers to explore the rich flavors of both Turkish cuisine and regional wines.
8. Exploring Regional Specialties
Each region of Turkey has its own unique culinary specialties. Tourists can explore these differences by visiting various regions, sampling local dishes such as Adana kebab in the south or seafood dishes along the Aegean coast. This journey showcases the diversity of Turkish food.
9. Food Photography Tours
For food enthusiasts, photography tours focused on Turkish cuisine offer a chance to capture stunning images of dishes and the vibrant food scene. Guided by photographers, tourists can learn techniques to beautifully present and capture food.
10. Participating in Food Workshops
Workshops focused on specific Turkish culinary skills, such as bread-making or pastry techniques, allow tourists to deepen their understanding of Turkish cuisine. These workshops are often led by local chefs and include tastings of the finished products.

Learning these common Turkish phrases for restaurants will not only make your dining experience smoother but also allow you to appreciate the local cuisine and culture. Whether you’re ordering a meal, asking for recommendations, or expressing gratitude, speaking the language can create a memorable dining experience.